About Zipho Innocent Lunika

My name is Innocent Lunika. I am a self-taught web developer. Generally web development and programming is a hobby. I usually make personal local-machine apps that assist me with personal organization and self-management. The apps are created primarily using C, java or JavaScript (in combination with HTML and CSS). I have been acquainted with the fundamentals of the following languages/technologies:
  1. HTML
  2. CSS
  3. JavaScript with OOP
  4. Java with OOP
  5. REACT
  6. C
  7. C++
  8. AVR assembly (recently)
  9. JQuery
  10. SQL
  11. Elementary Python with OOP
  12. SASS
  13. Bootstrap
  14. Data visualization using D3.js
  15. AJAX, JSON
  16. MATLAB
  17. Node.js with NPM
  18. express.js
  19. mongoose
  20. Quality testing with Chai
  21. Bcrpypt
  22. MongoDB
  23. PUG view engine
  24. Assurance testing with Zombie.js

I'm currently working on learning backend development and microservices APIs while refining my skills and understanding of C++. I'm also considering an internship that will help me grow as a web developer or sofware engineer or electronics design(firmware) engineer. My hobbies include working with electronics, Arduino, digital Logic design. I've taken up a Bachelor of Science degree in electronics engineering in university (See my achievements page). The following is on my things of interesting topics to research and read up on:
  1. Analog electronic design
  2. Physics of electronic design
  3. Telecomunications
  4. VLSI design
  5. Typescript
  6. PHP
  7. Machine learning and neural networks 101
  8. Primer on neural networks and basic computer architecture
I also hope to write a few books in a couple years just for enjoyment and not really to make the best-sellers lists. :)